Why Read?

Kelly reminds us that despite busy schedules and today’s technological society, reading should still be a priority.

I personally believe that an undergraduate liberal arts degree is the key to success. An undergraduate liberal arts degree goes far beyond expanding one’s knowledge. Having grounding in good literature and a basic understanding of the sweep of human history and culture provides the best foundation for any future learning and for being able to interact …

Mean Girls in Kindergarten? Are You Kidding Me?

Samantha Parent Walravens realizes how early drama can arise among young girls, especially in school.

I have four kids – my boys are 15 and 13, my girls are 9 and 5. While my boys nearly drove me into the ground as toddlers with their endless physical energy and constant running around, the girls are currently winning the race to dig me an early grave with their ongoing girl drama and emotional highs and lows.

If I had to choose, I’d take the physical exhaustion of boys over the emotional exhaustion of girls ANY DAY.

I wasn’t expecting the girl drama to start at such a young age, however. This morning, my 5-year-old stopped me at the door of her Kindergarten classroom with tears running down her chubby little cheeks. She told me that she was scared to go to school, that her friends weren’t being nice, and that she wanted to go home.

Speak Out: A Shy Person’s Guide to Confidence

Former GLI Communications Intern, Olivia Tang-Kong, writes about how shyness doesn’t have to limit your ability to be a leader or embrace your authentic self.

It was a little over a year ago that I walked into an auditorium of strange faces. There were small clusters of people scattered everywhere – where do I sit? It was the first club meeting of the year, and as a brand-new freshman in college, I knew this would be a great opportunity to meet …

Thoughts From a Recovering Overachiever

This is a guest post by Taryn. Taryn is a 9th grader who lives in California, where she enjoys writing, taking pictures, and watching The O.C.

“I didn’t want anyone to be able to say that there was someone else working harder than I was.” I didn’t say this, but I could have. This quote is from Demi Lovato, a Disney TV star and singer who recently got out of rehab for “eating disorder and emotional issues,” speaking in the most …

Last summer I did a lot of thinking and blogging about the awesome-ness that is summer reading. What could be better than walking around with a book tucked under your arm, on the look-out for a sunny place to sit a spell? Summer reading happens on the beach, on planes, in hammocks, in the park, …

The winter dance at my school is a Sadie Hawkins dance, so the girls are supposed to ask the guys. Some of my friends and I pretty much decided that we aren’t going to go to the dance this year. While talking to my friend Sara, who does want to go to the dance, I …

So, what are you going to do after you graduate?” As a junior in college majoring in the liberal arts, this question plagues me on a weekly basis. By this point in my college career, I have a few standard responses. The hopeful: “I’m going to make cultural change.” The indignant: “I’m going to do …

Dear Friends, What an August! We’re basking in the memories of so many amazing moments: hiking a Mesa at sunset, belting Journey songs in canoes during the pouring rain, applying face paint and writing chants for the end-of-camp water fight and bravely sharing honest feelings with roommates. It wasn’t easy to say goodbye to our …

When asked to write an article in tandem with my mother about how the college application and selection process affected us both, my initial reaction was something like, “What is there to say? That was so not a big deal.”  The whole thing seemed so four months ago. But then I quickly remembered that I’d …