Rachel Simmons and Simone Marean, Co-founders of Girls Leadership, put together a list of books for parents & girls of all ages.
Kapp’s book is full women doing things that women have long been told not to do. These women don’t take no for an answer, don’t give up, and they do leverage the people they know for assistance.
Consider a trip to the bookstore or library to prepare for the days of winter break, and keep your eyes peeled for these wonderful graphic novels for K-12.
Here are all the Girls Leadership Girl & Grown-up Book Club selections for 2018 – 2019.
This year, in addition to giving ourselves a new name and expanding the grade levels of our participants, we’ve decided to announce all the book titles for the whole year… right now!
YA books with powerful female characters & unique voices. Great for the Reading Without Walls Challenge. 4 min read
“Beautiful” by Naomi Katz gives adults a road map for supporting our daughters: respect their minds, respect their feelings, be gentle and compassionate, listen to their voices. 3 min read
When bestselling author Peggy Orenstein has something to say about girls, we listen. From inequality in the classroom to princess obsession and beyond, Peggy has devoted her life to shining a light on the most critical issues facing girls and women. Read on for an exclusive Q & A with Peggy, and to win a …
When Simone gave me the green light to develop the Girls Leadership Parent & Daughter Book Club pilot program, I was thrilled. Books have the power to change minds and hearts, and I believe that discussing a book with other readers amplifies its effect. The process started as pure fun. Reading dozens upon dozens of …
Parent & Daughter Book Clubs — you asked for more book recommendations, and we heard you! Where the Flame Trees Bloom by Alma Flor Ada – This is a collection of eleven true stories by the same author who wrote My Name is Maria Isabel. Alma Flor Ada writes from the point of view of …