Emily Jane Project

Emily Jane Project: A Scholarship Fund Celebrating the Life of Emily Jane D’Ancona (10/30/75 – 4/17/08)

If you knew Emily, even for a moment, then you know that she lived life fully, without reservation or fear of what other people would think. She loved Shirley Temples, dance parties, and games. By being true to herself, she gave all of us permission to be more open, more true to ourselves. Emily was tragically killed in an automobile accident on April 17, 2008.

The Emily Jane Project (EJP) was started the following summer to honor and celebrate her life at the Girls Leadership Summer Program community. At our Summer Program we create a community that Emily would have admired: our girls laugh, support one another, give each other permission to take risks, fail, gracefully recover, grow, and experience being loved for their true, messy selves.

The EJP funds scholarships for our full-scholarship participants looking to return for their second, third, fourth, or even fifth summer with us. We partner with the Young Women’s Leadership Network to fund these extraordinary young women. Each summer that these young women join us, they internalize the curriculum more deeply, growing up to become role models and even staff in our community.

By supporting the EJP you are giving motivated young leaders from low-income families three weeks of transformational programming on a collage campus, while honoring and acknowledging Emily’s example.

Thank you for learning about Emily. Please email Simone at simone@girlsleadership.org to learn more.

We miss her.


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