Why every girl needs this friendship vision board

Many people think of friendship as a purely social endeavor, but we hold a different perspective: we believe that friendships are an incubator for leadership development — that the social and emotional skills girls develop through friendships form the habits of their personal and professional relationships for decades to come. It’s why building healthy friendships is one of the key lessons we include in our February 15 professional development workshop.

Register for Feb 15 workshop

Today we are sharing a free exercise we believe all girls — and adults! — need: how to create a Friendship Vision Board (download the PDF here or by clicking the images below). The objective of this exercise is to help girls create a vision for their friendships that represents their values. It’s a simple yet effective way to help girls evaluate and reflect on friendship scenarios that have led to different emotional reactions, and ultimately shape their vision of what matters to them in relationships.

We hope you will join us for this intimate two-hour workshop (and if you are a parent reading this, please consider forwarding to a beloved teacher, coach, or camp counselor!). As ever, we are deeply committed to helping you create a brave space where girls feel seen, accepted, and loved by peers and adults. We bet you know a student who is struggling in her friendships right now. We’ve learned time and time again that when we support the needs of those who are struggling the most, everyone benefits especially that girl who always tells you everything is “fine.” Let’s create the next incredible generation of leaders together! 


Uncertain about whether to sign up? Here is some feedback following one of our recent professional development programs. 


“I learned so much and definitely see myself using what I learned as a leader and as a case manager … Thank you again for sharing your knowledge. I had so much fun!”

“I appreciate you all taking the time to put this together and sharing your wisdom with us … You all did an amazing job and we got so much out of it. I’m happy to say that I have already put some of it to practice … Thank you for sharing this with us, including all of the resources.”

“Thank you so much for taking the time to lead that awesome training. It is super important for folks who work with young people to have an understanding of what they might be going through outside of your 1:1 spaces. Your training really helped me to remember that we are all people going through something or impacted by something and that cannot be removed from our interactions with youth.”

“I want to thank you for creating a brave space for all of us. It was really amazing to see the hard work you all do and be able to spread the knowledge to others. I really appreciate you all sharing all the resources … I have been able to already use some of the examples with our youth and they love them. I look forward to any future trainings you all might hold.”


Girl & Grown-up Workshops Professional Development Training

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