Crystyn Wright is the owner of Minnie Endeavors, an educational and small business consulting company. She is from the Bronx, New York, but has lived and traveled nationally and internationally. She is an educator, entrepreneur and journalist who has always been active in various genres of the teaching programs in the arts. The Florida A&M University graduate has a B.S. in Journalism, and an MBA in Media Management from MCNY. As a Dow Jones Copy Editing Scholar, Crystyn has freelanced for various of publications including American Legacy Magazine and started her own magazine called NeoBlack Cinema.She has worked as a facilitator, instructor and coordinator with a number of organizations in educational and social leadership including; the Harlem Children’s Zone, Creative Connections, Learning Through an Expanded Arts Program (LeAp), Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools and 1199’s Youth Mentoring Program. Crystyn has taught parents, teachers, adults and students, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, cultural enrichment, early childhood development, literacy through the arts, math skills, HSE (formerly known as GED) programs, life and career skills, professional development, dance and healthy living choices programs. Crystyn is excited about being a New York Educator for Girls Leadership where she can help girls acknowledge and explore their own external and internal value, and inspire them to become leaders in their communities and their world.